The Artist's Eye

By ArtistAnnie


I may call this painting Vertigo. Somehow it feels like you're standing at the top of the stairs and any second you might trip and go down much faster than you had planned. I'm getting closer but am still in the middle.

Painting today. As always a joy to paint and to hang out with my painting buddies. Today Lyz came back and we hadn't seen her for awhile so it was great that she was there. 

After painting I came home and fed the cats and took care of their needs. I know when I'm late like I was today they are wondering if the predators got me. Lucky for me they didn't.

Tonight is a quiet night at home for both Shelly and me. I'll be watching something girly on TV and he'll be catching up on the news. To tell the truth I gave up TV news quite a long time ago. And honestly I have not missed it at all. I have no need to get riled up over things I can't control. I do keep in touch in other ways so I'm not totally ignorant, but I don't need a daily dose of the crazy world and especially our current president and his cronies. No thank you! I do vote and will certainly do that. And I do share my opinions but mostly I focus on things that bring peace and joy to those around me. Somebody's got to do it! Cheers to all!

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