Groynes are unseen heros

N Ireland's  coastline is protected by walls, and groynes which project into the sea. As I understand it, the first groynes were built of wood in the 1720s, after the storms of 1703 and 1705 when Brighton's Lower Town was destroyed. The first concrete groyne was built in 1867.
Here, in Ballyholme, they are visible because the tide is out.
They work in a number of ways, but one is that they stop longshore drift. So often sand and stones build up on one side of the groyne, sediment which would otherwise, perhaps, have been washed away.

The emerging concrete groyne made me think of two things.
First, sometimes the things that protect us are unseen, carrying on their job under the water line, taken for granted.. things such as the love of our friends and families.
Second, we all need groynes to help stop us drift. It could be a word of advice offered in kindness, a small nudge in the right direction, or perhaps a more difficult critical challenge.
So, groynes are a necessary thing in our lives.. take time to think about the people who provide that support to you and maybe, just remember to say thanks!

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