Nevertheless She Persisted

Went to see my friend M's exhibition at Out of the Blue. Quite rightly it's been getting a lot of attention. As well as news coverage in print and on screen it was tweeted about by Chelsea Clinton and M said that earlier today Kez Dugdale had been to see it. A set of portraits of twenty-five women, each with different stories, different struggles, different ways of persisting. The exhibition is on until Saturday morning - well worth a trip to Dalmeny Street in Leith if you can make it. When I was there renowned Edinburgh photographer Douglas Corrance was also there looking round - good to meet someone in person I had made friends with on social media! After the exhibition I went up to The Mound for an event to mark International Conscientious Objectors Day. My maternal grandfather was a conscientious objector and was kept in Lancaster Gaol and worked in the docks. From there it was on again, back down Leith Walk to see L's band doing another gig as part of an evening of bands at the Brig Below. L's friend H was also there - nice to catch up with her too.

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