The big day!

Peridot was wintering at the head of the bay, in a safe, sheltered spot, but in the teeth of Storm Caroline, she was washed ashore, high up the beach

Luckily she came to rest on the only bit of beach which isn't strewn with rocks and boulders, and with no visible damage.  She has sat there ever since, safe and sound!  It's an inaccessible spot, we could keep an eye on her, and she wasn't in anybody's way, so Mike has left her there until a combination of time, tide, weather, a non-working day for him and the help of the farmer!  

Today was the day, and after a strenuous and exhausting few hours on Mike's part, and a very obliging farmer friend, Peridot is now safely back in the water.  At high tide Mike managed to float the mooring back to where it should be, then, with the help of the dinghy towed Peridot out.  It says a lot about her, and Mike's maintenance, that the engine started with no trouble, she was dry inside and all the electrics worked perfectly!  He was even able to listen to the radio as he waited for the tide!  

I kept well out of the way, and spent the day enjoying myself in the garden. apart from taking long distance photos!

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