Three Green Bottles........

In the light of the inclement weather outside the door, I thought it acceptable to have a glass accompaniment to yesterday's stones.

The mind works in mysterious ways its wonders to perform, does it not?

Last night I surfaced after two hours of sleep, perfectly relaxed and about to turn over and resume my slumbers, when like a bolt out of the blue came the realisation that I had captioned all thirteen of my next year calendars ordered after an afternoon of effort and great expense at Photobox and Blipfoto, 2012 instead of 2013.

To say that I sat bolt upright in bed in a cold sweat is only a slight exaggeration.
I had to get up at 1am and write emails to both companies and then lie awake all night wondering if anything could be done to rectify my mistake.
It was a relief to get up at 5:30 and escape my torment to the gym.

However all's well that ends well. I think everything is sorted now, and I can finally relax.

It seems so cold inside the house today that I am wearing my padded jacket in an effort not to turn on the heating and His Lordship is sporting his long johns for the first time. Eat your heart out, ladies!

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