Sunday: Nitobe Gardens

We began the day with a lovely Skype chat with MissRae and B in the UK - it was really good to catch up.  Following that, we constructed the tent we bought yesterday to see how it works - I'm pleased to say it went smoothly and without incident, so I think we have a pretty good idea as to how it will work.  We left it up for most of the day, much to Barney's delight, as he thinks it's his new cat house.

We also went off to the Nitobe Gardens, our first visit there.  They are beautiful, but, rather annoyingly, don't open at the weekend until May which means that it wasn't possible for me to see them when the cherry blossom was in full bloom.  Nonetheless, they were still lovely today, post-bloom.  Then home, via lunch in our local créperie.  

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