
By Livingandloving

Baby Time

Health Fair at work on Friday.  I hadn't been a part in the planning of it, and to be honest, it was all a bit overwhelming for me.  There was some fun involved, but also too many people, and it made me anxious. 

Sugar went directly home after school, and had a wild ride on the bus.  A boy actually removed his eyeball.  GROSS......even though it wasn't a real was a glass eyeball, it still surprised her, and made her a little uneasy.  

The Hubby had dinner made when I got home, and we had a quick dinner before Sugar and I headed over to Baby's house for an evening of sitting.  I ALMOST let Sugar do it all on her own, but I wasn't ready.  I let her do all the work, though...and she will be ready to do it on her own real soon.  Baby was adorable...and man oh man....she goes to sleep at bedtime like a champ.  What a smart girl.  

It was an excellent way to start the weekend. 

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