The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Vanitas with bananas

Today I have mostly been reading, and doing three loads of washing. Steve was out, and I'm still trying to get to the bottom of what causes my LPR. The terrible cough of January seems to have triggered it. Bananas be the only thing left that I can eat. I've eaten so many green leafy salads lately that they've declared war on my gut, too.

It's becoming annoying. But I haven't had
a teacup of acid storming my oesophagus and reaching my actual throat and threatening to wreck my teeth since Friday. Too much info, I know, but this is progress of sorts.

Strangely, I haven't made much progress with Emma yet. I'd rather be reading about FODMAPS and SIBO. Very odd.

Anyway, today's been relaxing in its own way, and I needed a day of relative inactivity after the week I've just had.

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