Derelict Sunday - Crossroads Farm

We had our granddaughter for a ‘sleepover’ last night as mum and dad went to a Eurovision party at a friends house. She was as good as gold, straight to sleep and awake at 7 a.m. - not a problem for me as I was up around 5:30 as usual.

We then met up with mum and dad and our son at York designer outlet for coffee…the weather forecast had been for rain so we wanted to be indoors. In the end the weather has been lovely all day! We went to a pub near Monks Cross for lunch and then back to our house for tea and cake which we had sitting in the garden.

I took our son back home to south Leeds and stopped on the way back to snap this derelict farmhouse. A shot for the revived Derelict Sunday challenge. Thanks to Marlieske for hosting

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