The clean up

I woke up and wandered into the kitchen. The floor was soooo dusty and the benches were a slightly red hue. I'd left the window ajar and the dust storm had taken advantage! I mopped the floors and went to the club and you could see the chaos the storm had wreaked. Dust everywhere, and mud and lots of stuff with brooms and hoses who spent hours cleaning walkways, deckchairs and tables. It was a big job. The tide was really high, I've not seen it like that, and the sea was so choppy. God is not happy with us....

I had a good afternoon examining then met colleagues at a teeny tiny Chinese restaurant for dinner. It was good food - broccoli with mushrooms - very nice. Living in expatville there are plenty of other similar, small restaurants to serve the Indian, Egyptian, Thai, Philippine, and Chinese workers. So, we eat well quite cheaply. I'd like to go back and try the duck next time.

The taxi driver asked too many questions of us, I got out with C, and saw her to her door.  We'd been overcome by another dust storm and had to grab a taxi as her eyes were too sore to get a bus back. Once she was safe inside I went in search of a bus, they're frequent, but tonight were crowded due to the storm. It blew through in the space of a couple of hours, but it wasn't fun. There's very little vegetation here, and so it's usually a disaster...

Hopefully tomorrow will be fine for it's pool day. 

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