I got to watch the ants carrying what I am sure are baby aphids up my hanging tomato garden. I have a macro lens on my iPhone and of 50 pictures got this one nearly in focus. I remember wondering if the ants and the aphids were working together one of my first years with container gardening, looking it up, and finding out that yes, ants farm aphids!
I put some poison on their route and they stopped coming. Of course, this is after they had plenty of opportunity to leave hundreds of little baby aphids.
If you are open minded you never know what you'll find interesting. I bought the macro lens because it was on sale and I thought it might be interesting and now it is my favorite iPhone lens.
I also finished the first draft of the concept note of the South Africa biographical/history films project. Now I've shared it with the first person. I explained the chain of events to come but that it starts with a bio of her. She teaches video production at one of our junior high schools. She left a career in journalism. It is pretty impressive that we have a school that has such a program at the junior high level.
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