Medieval Mayhem

We couldn't resist going back to the Medieval Market to soak up more of the atmosphere... The Old Town is full of food stalls and artisan craft stalls etc etc...but for me the best part is all all the performance art... Troupes going round creating atmosphere...lots of drumming and loads of noise! We wandered around for most of the morning, until Danny stopped at a gorgeous restaurant at the bottom of Dalt Vila, and there were friends, waiting for us to have a surprise birthday lunch together!! So so lovely!! A gorgeous couple of hours, and then on to meet James and Rich for coffee and cake! Later still Asha and I came back out to the market to catch the kids theatre performance - again just fantastic, and even better that Asha bumped into her new friend from yesterday!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Living in such a vibrant place.
2) Friends making such an effort to celebrate the big 3-5 with me.
3) Time with just Asha...lovely lovely lovely.

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