BethaBlip 70...

This is my monthly track of my children as they grow to see how they change as time goes by. I take the same photo in the same place each 1st and 15th of each month along with a wee diary of what has happened and how life has progressed for each of them. Bethany on the 1st and Ewan on the 15th. It is quite remarkable and is accentuated by the 1 year ago thumbnail down in the bottom right.

Does she look happy in this picture? Nope, not happy at all. Rather pleasingly though, inspite of not feeling great, she got up to do the picture even though I'd resigned myself to waiting a couple of days until she was better. She got up with me this morning at 6am and waited while I got ready. This is always nice when it happens but this morning, she announced that she felt sick. She did indeed need to be sick so I took her to the toilet and held her hair whilst she had a wee chunder-let. Needless to say that's her off school for two days due to school statutory chunder rules.

We just had Halloween where Bethany dressed up as a witch in the same witch costume that we've gotten at least 3 years out of, possibly more. This is the first year that I took them guising. We just went round a couple of the neighbours houses that we know.

This thing she is holding is a small felt cup with lid that she made today on her sicky.

You can check out the rest of this series and see her progress by entering the words tagged BethaBlip into the Blip Search facility.

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