Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I've had a goal for several years, and that is to take a photo of a fern when it's all rolled up. Every year I've missed it, for different reasons. 
Today I went for a walk instead of going to the gym. I wasn't feeling well, no energy, so I thought I'd go for a walk instead in the sunshine. I went my usual way on the path through the forest and looked for ferns. I saw something that looked like ferns, but not really...perhaps a close relative, I don't know. I took some shots of them, just in case. Then I came to an area which usually is full of growth and bushes and someone had cleared it. I saw two paths I've never seen before, and a little creak that had been covered under grass and growth. I followed the second path, crossed a little bridge and went exploring a path into the woods I've never seen. And when I looked around I saw the ferns standing there, all rolled upp in the sunlight. I will go back tomorrow because I didn't have the right lens with me (and no mosquito repellant...) to get the shot exactly as I wanted. Funny how things turn out when you exploring. :)

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