Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

The Storyteller

When we visited the Taos Pueblo on Monday, I spent a a long time looking at this statue but I didn't buy it.  That night I woke up thinking about it so I decided I had to have it.  Piper and her dad humored me and took me back to the Pueblo the next day.  While they waited in the car, I told my story to the woman at the admission window and she let me in without paying again.  Once inside, I had no idea where to find it.  So I started at one end and looked into all the open doors until I found it.  The artist, Juanita Martinez, remembered me and said she had a feeling I'd be back. So I chose my favorite of the three she had and handed her my credit card.  I should have realized that she wouldn't take credit cards, I just didn't even think about it.  So I managed to find about $80 in my purse, including all the change in my wallet.  I was $15 short but she smiled and told me I could have it for that. She signed it and wrapped it and I gave her a hug and left with my prize.  So that's the story of my Storyteller.  I am grateful to Juanita for giving it to me for less than her asking makes it even more special!

Sorry I haven't responded to your comments in a few days.  I really appreciate them and all the stars and hearts!  I will eventually catch up.  Thanks for your patience! 

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