Warnscale Bothy, Haystacks

After a couple of days of walking, Deb and I felt like a run today. Parking by the Church in Buttermere, we ran round the head of the lake, then climbed up the side of Sour Milk Gill, and onto Red Pike. From there we ran over Red Pike, High Stile, High Crag, dropped off high crag towards Scarth Gap, but then went back over Haystacks (Inominate Tarn looked wonderful, before dropping down to the Warnscale Bothy (which I'd never been to). Finally back down to Gatescarth farm, and along the east shore of Buttermere back to the car (via the tearoom, for a much needed Ice Cream and a brew) 13 miles and over 3000 feet of altitude, the legs are going to hurt after that one!

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