Standing Tall

Late afternoon coming back from Cromwell where The Boss met some friends from WBT  (Well Before Tussock)…

The Bloke came from High School days which is 65 + years ago and i’m sure they had a great chat about some of that. I am the 5th dog in the K9 series following an Old English and 3 Golden Retrievers. I don’t think I have met an Old English but I get on very well with Golden Retrievers and Labs speaking of which I met one (a Lab) on the afternoon wander when we returned and it had 5 sticks in it’s mouth…FIVE!!!  and it was really nice about it but no, it was NOT going to give one to me BUT it’s nice lady owner felt sorry for me and offered me a treat instead so we became the best of friends while The Boss explained that I was NOT a doodle, spoodle or anything like that but the real article. Wheaton Terrier. (Accept no substitutes) 
The Lady had been taking the lab for a walk with her car. She had trouble walking herself and this arrangement was done on a quiet bit of gravel road at Eely Point at end of day with almost no traffic at this time of year. The Lab gathers sticks and they go home for the fire without even being properly killed first.. What a waste!  

The Boss’s friends had mobile phones from Noah but by the end of day the lady was going to get an iPhone after seeing The Boss’s pictures of them which he sent to The Bossess in Aus and she sent back the view out the window where she was working at Barangaroo with a view towards Darling Harbour in Sydney. (Extra)

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