Early start to get materials for building a fence, then some time telling the people how to build the fence (am apparently so important that I no longer build my own fences!) Then much work.
I don't often pass on political-type petitions here, though I feel like I spend a measurable proportion of each day reading ones I am sent, but this one my sister spotted struck a nerve, and I thought it might interest some folk in these parts.
Despite the UK Government's policy stated with great fanfare (repeated as recently as January 2018, so not so out of date, you might think) that they will: "make ours the first generation to leave the natural environment in a better state than we found it".
They have in fact tried to sneak this through on the quiet:
Taking away local wildlife sites
If you're interested in that kind of thing, have a look. You'll need to have an address in the UK to sign it.
Meanwhile, my very own nature reserve garden is sneakily being reclaimed by nature every time I turn my back, like some cosmic game of Grandma's footsteps. Though I am fond of a lot of the weeds, I could perhaps have them grow a little slower, and I could do without the sticky willies. But then couldn't we all.
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