
By CharlotteJ


Dad took a 'tumble' (care home words) yesterday afternoon and bumped his head at some point in the afternoon, the exact time hasn't been advised!  The night shift ladies came on (only two of them) and decided that because Dad is on certain medication to call an Ambulance, even though the afternoon ladies didn't think it necessary, this was around 8pm at night, so we have been told.  Dad didn't want to go, he said he was OK and just wanted to go to bed and be left alone. 

When did we find this out?  1am this morning!!   

The care home called my sister, who to be fair, decided not to disturb me with the information (even though I was wide awake with blinking insomnia again) until she knew a little more.  Her annoyance cames from not being told of a problem until 1am  when his tumble happened in the afternoon.  Had we been informed, after the event or at least at 8pm one of us would have gone up to Boston, Lincolnshire and sat with him as no one from the care home could go with him at 1am with a 3 hour car journey is not really reasonable when work is in the mix .  If we had been told when it happened,  it would have given us the opportunity to re arrange work and one of us would have gone to be with him.    Poor Dad has been in A&E all night, confused, alone and muddled.  At 9am, after A&E nurse hanging up on me telling me to call back in an hour, we were told dad was waiting for a ride back home (pointless traveling 3 to 4 hours to pick him up).  At 11am still no sign of Dad at care home (care home called my sister to advise)  at 12pm we were told by a lovely nurse that Dad was in the transport lounge having some lunch!!  I am sure at somepoint Dad will appear back where he should be.   I think this could have been handled a bit better!  He must think we abandoned him!

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