Off the side of a lorry!!

Not the back!!
Another early start and we got to the house by 8am. We finished off the painting in two upstairs rooms, before the removal men arrived with the first load of furniture.
That wasn’t the first delivery. An earlier lorry dropped off a pallet of slabs.
We have slogged away all day in the heat and just been so thankful that it’s been dry.
In between all the other jobs I’ve kept everyone supplied with fluids.
We are now home. B has gone to coach his athletes and I’m wading through a pile of washing that I collected during the unpacking.
We have done well, but made no further progress with the wall papering.....that is top of the list for tomorrow:0)

A quick peak at our bird box cam.......Mum is sitting tight :0)

PS How can I have forgotten!! There was another delivery, the cooker and washing machine. We now need to find a plumber.....the Heath Robinson collection of drainage pipes are not adequate!!!!

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