yoga Dan

Dan is staying with us at the moment while he sorts out his increasingly complex life.  He’s just returned from 3 months in India where he’s been on an advanced Yoga Instructors’ course (he gets to levitate now).

The company that runs the Yoga school have offered him a job as their marketing manager.  They are based in Cork.  So - he will spend 7 months of the year in India and, in theory, the rest of the time in Cork.  

I say in theory because at the same time, older brother Chris is starting up his own Tech company and wants Dan to do some work for him as well.  

And then there’s Dan’s friend Doug.  Doug has just bought an old house in the South of France and has asked Dan to go over for the summer, before he returns to India in September, to help renovate it.

Dan is quite happy that he can make all these demands on his time work.  It’s not a working environment that Anniemay or I understand or have any experience of.  But it means that as long as he’s connected to the internet, he can, in theory, work anywhere in the world.  Which is why I guess he does his yoga practice each morning with his phone at his side.  

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