In Brief, for once...

By JaxI

All Over Till Next Year

The last lighting of the lantern after all the Halloween nonsense. I didn't do the usual party in the park event this year because it was all getting too much fun in one weekend, but I couldn't quite let go of my need to keep it as real as possible. The school trick or treat is a whole lot of fun for the kids but it has no connection to my childhood memories, so I thought I would tentatively investigate the possibility of getting some of my neighbours involved in an actual round the doors in the dark on the actual 31st kind of a deal.

While I am usually a "invite everyone so as not to offend anyone" kind of a girl where kids are involved, I thought it would be best to keep it small the first time round, so as not to freak out the neighbours, so it was supposed to be 7 kids from the hood plus the kids if 3 families who were there when I first said it out loud.

By the time all the ones and twos who heard the rumours were included we ended up with 25 kids! And that was me keeping it small.

We had a great time, and thanks to all who came . It seems the neighbours may have caught the bug , so maybe we can invite more people next year!

My real goal of making everyone carve turnips and say "are you wanting any guisers?" Instead of trick or treat may take some more time.

For now, it's lanterns out, hot baths, leftovers and an early night for everyone in this house!

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