Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

I want....

my breakfast!!

Billy is waiting outside to come in on this beautiful morning :) I managed to get some shots through the open window which I am not sure I've attempted before. First of all he didn't realise I was there, then he meowed at me (unfortunately I didn't get the full meow, which is what I really wanted, but this is the end of it~rather like it) Then he's looking at me appealingly :):) So I let him in...

I wanted to put some more photos in the collage in a line, but couldn't make it work like these three....

I managed to get Billy in without making him realise I was going out and leaving him yesterday before work which was great as I didn't want him out in the dark last night because he's black and it was Halloween! (some people associate black cats with Halloween). I knew I wouldn't be home until nearly 7pm. When I got home of course he wanted his tea and while he was eating his, I prepared mine and took it upstairs as planned.

Once he realised I was going upstairs, he came and settled. We spent a lovely couple of quiet hours up there. It got very wet and windy last night, and thankfully because of that I believe there were not so many people trick and treating or setting fireworks off! :)

So another day, (a normal day before the mayhem of fireworks at the weekend and then next week.....

The list is not really anything, I feel like chilling out this morning before work. Writing a list for a big supermarket shop tonight, so I don't forget anything!

Tomorrow I need to get stuck into some more studying before the next Footsteps which is only a week or two away!!

Thankfully I'm on my day off tomorrow, but then working the weekend :)

Have a great day blippers :)

Forgot to say I'm looking forward to the new series of Young Apprentice tonight :)

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