Two days on the trot!!

At the start of the day we thought that our boiler has packed up, but later discovered the the gas supply to the village had been cut off....there is a problem!!!!

We took Amber, Lottie and Pippa to doggy boot camp for a week......proper obedience training. Not sure how much effect it will have on Amber, but we will give it a try.

Then up to the new house to see what was needed. An assessment of all the rooms, lists, plans, some paper off a bedroom wall, then over to the d-i-y store for supplies.

Back to the house to continue with the paper stripping etc.

We had a productive day, hope the rest of the week goes as well as this:0)

Home for dinner, a glass or two of wine and bed......I’m knackered:0)

We still don’t have a gas supply but fortunately we’re able to use the immersion heater to get hot water.

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