Life, not as we see it.


Southward down Loch Linnhe, Argyle, Jockland.

Discovered that our B&B deal does not include the second B.  Ok, we will pay!  Oh. No you won't 'cos you didn't book it.  Oh dear, Scottish hospitality at it's low ebb.
After breakfast at a local, Polish run cafe, we walked about 5 miles north to Dunbeg where we had an external swatch at Dunstaffnage castle, then walked back again.  Now we both have 10 mile feet and backache.
After lunch we had intended doing another wee walk but common sense prevailed and we went for a roof down drive to Ft William and beyond.  Tell me, why do I always manage to find the driver who maintains a steady speed 10 mph below the limit, EXCEPT when the road is fine for overtaking?????  Arrrgh!
Posh dining out tonight.  Not repeating last night's enormous haddock.  Probably teeny portions of obscure veg or pulses with names from pop tunes of the 80s.
I'm not paying, so I'll have to enjoy.
PS: I did enjoy.

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