horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Avoiding the sunbathers

Cove Bay from above, it being expectedly busy with sunbathers around the curve at the back, but a lovely coastline to walk around, and not the busiest bay. We passed through Pease Bay as well - driven through plenty of times, but walking got to see the scale, and the close proximity of the static caravans (mobile homes?), and realise Dante was right about the 6 and a half level of hell.

Each to their own, obviously... (extra shows a couple getting away from it all!)

We ended up at Siccar Point, which probably doesn't mean anything to most, but is basically where James Hutton's theory that the earth was older than the bible suggested, due to an 'unconformity' in the rock, was confirmed. It was a huge geological, and scientific, moment.

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