Reception Committee

I revamped Mum's bedroom (major chuck out, rearrangement and deep clean with the new machine) and created a reception committee on the window sill from a bag of cats I found in a cupboard and a mat we brought her from Brazil.    In addition to the bedroom, I did the en-suite bathroom from top to bottom and the bedroom we have used, hoovered the living room and hall and kitchen and did all the floor to ceiling windows inside and out that give onto the balcony and the balcony panes themselves . . . Oh, and a trip up the Hailey Brae to the skip to chuck out the old TV and aerials and speakers and video recorders and a miscellany of other things that I found in said habitation and a supermarket shop and a general rubbish throw out from the kitchen and rearrangement of rugs to remove trip hazards . . . all in five hours . . . plus a last minute cooking class on how to open an avocado, extract the stone, scoop out the insides and mash with lemon juice to create a delicious toast spread . . . before heading to the airport!

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