George Square
A while since I blipped this square, and no, that's not a Halloween themed ghost shot, just someone who had the nerve to walk across shot, but it made me smile. Do enjoy the foreground here, as it won't be around long, the square is to be remodelled and all the statues will be removed (allegedly temporarily, but the council can make more money without them, as the event space would be larger), even important literary figures like Walter Scott (Mum's English teacher taught her class the trick of reading his novels - read the first and last sentences in each paragraph, don't bother with the stuff in the middle) or Rabbie Burns. Only the Cenotaph will remain where it is once a design has been chosen and the work starts.
I did actually take a slightly sharper shot, but the wavy lines amused me, hence I'm once again blipping not the best shot I've taken today. Still interesting after all these blips (and somehow I didn't notice the 555th, which would have been fun to mark) to see what I am choosing to blip. Still fun!
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