
By FroebelandMe


As I look out of the window the seasonal change is evident. The crisp brightly coloured leaves that once adorned the trees lay scattered across the soft ground. Autumn is drawing to an end as the darkness of Winter creeps in.

'Froebel's appreciation for the interconnectedness of all nature appeals to those who are interested in protecting the environment and understanding the complexity of the ecosystem. As an apprenticed forester Friedrich moved through the woodlands of Thuringia, aware of each plant and animal, absorbing healing from the forest and developing the deep awareness of the unity of nature, which he was to bring to the education of children. As a student at the University of Jena, the seventeen year old Friedrich may have been thought a strange fellow, who made wonderful things from stones and cobwebs. His choice of the name, Kindergarten, meaning a garden of children, directs our attention to the wonder and unity of nature.' (

It is interesting, now starting to look in-depth at Froebel, to reflect on my previous experience within the Early Years. I am without a doubt a modern practitioner, regularly investigating and trialling new technologies, gadgets, toys and games to help enhance the learning experiences of those in my care. Yet, I can't help but feel, having used an incredible amount of 'stuff', that I have overlooked one crucial yet simple resource - the outdoor environment.

'The importance and significance of the quality of the garden and the way that children, parents and staff value, plan, develop and use provision cannot be underestimated. Thoughtful, enduring thinking and planning by interested, knowledgable adults and children is crucial. Respect for the power of nature, the potential for learning in the garden an recognising children's needs, stage of learning and understanding is paramount.' Early Childhood Practice, Tina Bruce (pg39)

Froebel believed in the importance of nature and it is interesting to see that is now being brought to light again through the new curriculum, Forest Schools and other outdoor initiatives.

It's definitely time for me to invest in a good pair of wellies!

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