Last weekend there was a massive spider on the ceiling in the kitchen; by definition, anything I can see without glasses or contacts must be pretty big, and I thought it was a beetle or something it looked so long and fat.  I have to confess that I sprayed it with fly spray, but it remained on the ceiling for a couple of days, then dropped on the worktop (yuk). When I went to sweep it into the bin it moved, so I put a glass over the top of it. I'm sure this is really bad karma, for me.  This morning G called round, and kindly did away with it for me, but, another one (not quite so big) has appeared in the back room. It's a higher ceiling so doesn't bother me so much...but this is it.  [Postscript, on Saturday it has disappeared, so could be lurking anywhere].

It's a wonder I have time for anything else, but I was out doing duties this morning into the afternoon.  Then in the evening a birthday party, to which an array of dancers had been invited, so I had a lovely evening of dancing. If I had had my wits about me, today's blip would have been the creative birthday cake, which was a work of art (and very tasty).

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