New rocks, pebble and shell

A work colleague who spent half term in Qatar remembered my collection and took the time to pick up and pack these new members of my world pebble bowl.
It always moves me when someone thinks of me and remembers me when they are so far away and having a wonderful time with family and friends.
Tonight was the fancy dress party for lower school. Fabulous costumes worn by staff and pupils alike. They danced, played party games, ate pizza, chips, crisps and buns. They joined in everything and went home happy and everyone of them said thankyou to staff as they left. There were 80 young people aged 11-14 and 10 or so 15/16 yr old prefects. Around a dozen or so staff. Tonight was an example of why I feel honoured to do the job I do.
Night all I am whacked now!

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