The World Through My Eyes

By Marlieske

There's a huge giant asleep at the Maashorst

And there's a kid crawling out one of his ears.... She's really a bonus, didn't noticed her before... I think she's the cherry on the pie with her huge smile... That's where this giant is meant for...
This giant is part of the new play forest, I will tell you more about it a next time... 

Many thanks to Admirer for hosting this wonderful and so much fun challenge SillySaturday.

And something about DerelictSunday challenge....I know I am late with it, but because of the circumstances I had other things on my mind... 
I talked about blowing new life in the DerelictSunday challenge with 60plus, who thankfully kept it still running the last months. 
I really enjoyed this challenge and I still miss it.
So I hope you will join me in this adventure. And let's start with it on the first Sunday of May... The 6th of May...  The tag will be #DS88 as we stopped at DS87 if I'm correct... If not, don't hesitate to let me know... I decided not to go with themes for now, maybe later... We will see... 
For those of you who may be new to the challenge - it lasts throughout the week until midnight on the Sunday, so you can post your images of dereliction on any day as long as they have the appropriate tag. So this week it will be #DS88 
I'll try to select my favorites on the following Wednesday :-))
Have fun!!!

Thanks for all the wonderful comments and stars for my yesterday’s blip! Xxx

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