Yn canu am yr Adar Glas
Pan roeddwn yn crwydro yn y dre, clywais i'r sŵn o bobol yn canu ar ben yr arcêd. Roedd grŵp o bobol y tu allan Giovanni's yn canu am Glwb Pêl-droed Dinas Caerdydd. Well mae cyfle gyda nhw i ennill dyrchafiad i 'Premiership' ar ôl y gêm ar Ddydd Sul. Roedd cân dda iawn, ond roeddwn i'n obeithio nid yr Adar Glas yn 'gyfri eu hieir'
When I was wandering in the town, I heard the sound of people singing at the end of the arcade. A group of people outside Giovanni's were singing about Cardiff City Football Club. They have a chance to win an promotion to the 'Premiership' after the game on Sunday. It was a very good song, but I hope the Blue Birds are not 'counting their chickens'
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