.....#a proper day off. I did NO school work!!!!!
*had a lie in
*read my book
*breakfast in bed
#then went over to the allotment for some back to nature therapy!!! Lots of blossom on the cherry and apple trees. Found a tiny frog in my strawberries!!!
quick trip up to Mum’s for a boiler emergency...sorted!
#then afternoon tea with my lovely hubbie. It was delicious and they catered really well for him as he’s just been diagnosed with wheat and dairy intolerant (bit upsetting for him and frustrating)
#However the big question for me was cream or jam first????
*snoozed in the garden in glorious sunshine.
* ended the day with a sofa curl up watching The Blind Side. It was very good.

Thankful for....a proper day off ...although I nearly got the laptop out several times:( but resisted :))

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