Orcas Feeding

It's been a dull day, breezy and rained all day long.  It's finally stopped now at night.

I've been working on the museum desk all day, and it's been a busy day.  The Holbein painting opened to the public today, and been busy with visitors.  It's also the Shetland Folk Festival, so plenty of visitors up for the music.  A quiet evening at home, and then mam and nieces popped over.  Some silly old cartoons for them to watch.

My first sightings of the Orcas was out the museum window.  I made an announcement over the tannoy, and had plenty of happy tourists.  I went to have a look at lunchtime, and they were busy feeding, although a bit far for my camera.  This big bull is Bruno, a regular visitor, and I also saw a peerie calf too.  Taken at the Green Head, Lerwick.  

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