A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

Flower Friday 4_2018 :: FF4_2018 :: Blossom Again

Morning: More work on Matilda. All areas that needed sanding down to the bare wood have been done and given a base layer of varnish. From now on it's wire wool and vanish, wire wool and varnish, wire wool and varnish... :o/

Lunchtime: Collected new varifocal glasses. Not sure I like them. :o(

Afternoon: Allotment, I have had paint for the shed ever since I built it (20th April 2015) but never got around to it. Did it today in 45mins with the help of a battery powered sprayer. Now a shade of green, as are my hands, my old glasses and a few other things laying around! :o)

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