Sugar Craft

Sugar Craft is one of H's many talents and this evening she gave a demonstration followed by a workshop to 18 of her local Ladies' Group as it was her turn to arrange a monthly evening, or day, of interest.  H's good friend and professional sugar crafter said she would come to help with the demonstration and provide some of the kit required and offer moral support in general.  Unfortunately only two days before the event H's friend had to withdraw her offer of help owing to a sudden family illness, so ...................
H asked me if I could help. Not being a sugar crafter I was only able to give the moral support, help with filling the kit boxes for the workshop, looking after the Ladies generally and plying them with wine, drinks, tea, coffee and some of H's delicious cake etc, etc, and then the eventual clearing and washing up, after which when everyone had left H and I collapsed in a heap with very welcome glass/es of wine.

The evening was a great success and everyone really enjoyed the demo and workshop and went home with two cup cakes topped with their sugar craft toppers. H going through her lines and one of the lady's professional-looking creations in Extras.

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