The Bridge.

I have been rather lazy the last couple of days as regards to posts I g blips. I have been so hectic that by the time I get to blipping I have really gone past my sell by date.

After a frantic but enjoyable birthday weekend we said goodbye to the birthday guests and then welcomed a cousin and his wife for a three day stay. It is fair to say that all do strict departments have and are still at full stretch! I have also had to deal with the VAT and of course the end of moth bills too. We have also employed two new members of staff and I have had to sort that out too.

So just as you may think things have slowed down, this is not the case. We are now into the preparations for the North Somerset Agricultural Show held on Monday at which we have a stand. I will be catering for this, and have just been shopping so that I can start my marathon bake in!

Just in case you think that Mr Tbay may have some free time you would be wrong! He has been busy building this delightful little bridge for the YFC tent at the forthcoming Bath and West Show. And of course he has been polishing his tractors which will be on display at the show.

Farming - One of those mornings! Nigel our new man picked up his trailer and off he went. He did not know that there had been a pretty catastrophic oil leak from the back end which dumped the whole tractors worth of oil on our drive at the Farm entrance! A lot of sand and oil pellets have just about dealt with this! The boys are now on cleaning duties ahead of the show on Monday. Mr Tbay Jnr is now into silly season and is back to familiar juggling act to get all customers ready to go silaging done. We need 48 hrs in a day currently. Thank you to my faithful followers for their lovely comments and stars. You are so kind especially when I have been a bit rubbish on the commenting side of things!

Oh and joy of joys the weather looks as if it is going be good for Monday! Oh what joy!!

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