Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Take that, hurricane Sandy!

I decided to try making bread in the grill since we are still without power. Have no idea if it will be edible, but it looks and smells good. The bottom is, unfortunately, black so I may have to cut it off. But this is my small way of saying "Sod off, Hurricane Sandy!"

Our neighbors from across the lane are coming over and we are going to grill scallops and a pork loin - all of which will spoil if not cooked today. We are trying to keep cold cuts and some other easy stuff in a cooler with ice. So tonight we will feast in proteins, wine and laughter.

We are now hearing that it may take 7-10 days to restore power to our area - I don't even want to contemplate that. My hubs will be leaving no later than Saturday to take my MIL back to AL, a two-day trip. Temps in the house are dropping - a chilly 53 F this morning, not pleasant. We've got a fire going downstairs but the house is too big to be heated with what amounts to a decorative fireplace. But we are better off than so many others in the NJ/NY area.

I apologize for not commenting but it takes too much cell phone juice and it is a pain trying to recharge in the car. I can't tell you how much your comments and concern mean to me - thank you frm the bottom of my heart! I can't wait to catch up with all if you when our power is restored.


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