
Yes, I'm back! It's been a bit of a weird time, but I think I'm back now!

For the last 10 days I have done nothing. Nothing. Except feel nauseas and dizzy and decidedly unwell. Seems I have Labrynthitis, a viral inner ear infection. Hey ho! What next?! Anyway, after tablets, injections and more tablets and lots of resting and I am just about back to full fitness.

Now I can read, move my head, watch TV, email and use my lapbook without feeling as if I've just got off the Waltzer at the fairground! For the last 10 days friends and neighbours have been walking Ollie, but today, armed with a walking pole for a bit of support, he and I had a proper walk. So great to be outside, in the cold, fresh air, rather than lying in bed or sitting in a chair with the room swaying around you!

I had done lots of back-blipping, and will try to catch up over the next few day, but apologies to anyone I miss!

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