Bullard & Sons Anchor Brewery

I've run out of time to do any research on the history of this old Norwich brewery this evening. But at lunchtime today Carol and I took a short walk around the city as I wanted to take this photo. I do have a connection to it. When researching my family history last month, I discovered that my Great uncle Albert Ketteringham, the brother of my Great grandfather Frederick Ketteringham was the head carpenter at Bullards Brewery and also ran the brewery's brass band. He was a Miller at Wramplingham mill and information on the Norfolk Mills website has been quite helpful in our research. It pointed to the brewery as a place of work for him. I think this building has now been transformed into various houses and apartments. It's a nice location; close to the city but in a quiet spot near the river.

I got in at 8 again today so was determined to get away early. Home by 5.30 Jon had cooked chilli and then he went out to scouts - his new Explorers. He is meeting on a Thursday now and hopes the group will grow. There are just 5 including Henry.

I then went shopping as we hope to head down to Hoddesdon tomorrow after work. Back home. Shopping away, then washed up and now trying to get a bit of ironing done. My evening has just flown. I need to go and pack a weekend bag now....then bed.

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