For Sale Sign
Having got my appraisal over with yesterday, I felt like going into work today and taking it easy. In some ways I did, catching up on a few things, including writing up staff appraisals!
It was relatively peaceful in the office today, which makes a change. I even managed to catch up with a colleague who is now working in a different area, and then took him back to the team so we could pick his brains about a piece of work he had done a couple of years ago.
After my “quietish” day, I couldn’t believe that I got delayed when I was leaving the office, and had to go for the later train. This wasn’t ideal as it meant I was later in picking BB up, and then we had hardly any time to get him ready for football – but we made it just in time. I then had to rush home and go to a PTA meeting, where we were planning our re-arranged jumble sale and our fundraising café – which are now very close to each other.
I spotted this ghost sign when I popped out to buy some lunch.
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