
By dennismccoy79

46 not 15

In January 2016, France combined some of its decentralised administrations to make 13 new administrative regions.  We became part of Occitanie, a combination of our Midi-Pyrénées and Languedoc Rousillon. The subtitle "Pyrénées Méditerranée"  is slightly bizarre as our location in our Department, Lot (46), is 150 miles from the Mediterranean.  Today we drove up to Aurillac, which is in the neighbouring Cantal (Department 15) part of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.   We went to get a towbar fitted to our wee French car.  It took 3 hours to fit and we got fed up walking around the shops so ended up waiting on the hard seats back at Feu Vert.  I asked them to do me a number plate for the trailer.  They could only do it with the local 15 badge, but gave me a sticker to turn the plate into a kosher Lot 46 one (pic). Are you still with me!  So it was a bit of a lost afternoon.  When we were strolling off to the shops in Aurillac we witnessed a poor girl getting knocked off her bicycle right in front of us.  Well we kind of heard it rather than saw it, we were looking the other way, up the road, when a passing car swerved wildly and there was a sickening slap/thud noise as the poor cyclist hit the ground.  She was badly dazed and bleeding from the head.  Thankfully, lots of people stopped their cars and the ambulance got called and she was conscious and talking.  I'm sure she got all the scans and things done to make sure she is really alright.  We were especially careful crossing the road for the rest of the afternoon.

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