Not Everyone Makes It

I have no idea what kind of bird it is or where it came from (it is too far from anywhere to have just fallen). The Bluetits are still using the nest box so I don't think it came from there.

The wild garlic has burst into flower since yesterday and I think the Guides have been out leaving painted rocks about the place. Some are quite obvious with their messages -- others .... not so much.

SWMBO decided that we were going out for some cheesecake this afternoon so we went to the Artisan Cheescake place in Livingston (as opposed to the places in Edinburgh or Bathgate).
They do the best cheesecakes without a doubt. The coffee was good too.

I had a piece of wood leave the lathe at speed this afternoon when the holding point broke. So I had to come up with another method that will hopefully hold - assuming the glue holds. I will find out tomorrow.

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