Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Back in Scotland!

Arrived late last night, almost midnight, but Bb met me in Prestwick and we drove to my mum-in-law's home in Largs.  Quick catch up and to bed.

Today, we went to the hairdresser's (Jean got a wash and blow dry, not me), then a bit of bank business, then a supermarket shop and bacon rolls and coffee in the supermarket cafe and a spin round the town in the car exploring wee quiet streets and their houses.   We then dropped Jean off with the shopping and Bb and I drove to Glasgow on a mission: Ikea for wicker chair purchase (one red, one natural)  and a chase around Glasgow to find a cordless vacuum we were happy with (a Bosch) - got one by the skin of our teeth! Drive back to Largs, left the car by Jean's flat, walked into town and had a drink in the George Hotel, ordered an Indian, picked it up and back to Jean's to enjoy dinner together. A busy day, but good, productive day.

Blip's of Robert in Jean's hairdressers. He seemed a lovely young man in addition to being a good hairdresser and I noticed that he told her as we got out the car on arriving, 'No need to hurry. We have all the time in the world,' and when he was drying her hair he didn't use the usual blasting of hot air, but a lower warm setting. Little things, but so important.

It would have been my dad's 83rd birthday today, had we not lost him to motor neurone's disease in October 2009.  Death is so random, as is life.  He lived a healthy, active, happy life and despite his dreadful debilitating illness, I'm grateful he was mentally as bright as a button and intellectually engaged till the end. I miss him every single day and often ask myself, 'What would dad do or think here'. Thanks again dad for being such a loving, stable, wise influence in our lives.

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