What's Up, Ollie?

Here he is, looking rather woolly! That's the thing about beardies, they don't moult, so their hair just keeps on growing! He's glad to be back in familiar surroundings with both of us here with him - his pack is complete again!

I've been away about a month and Mike nearly a fortnight, so the garden needs a good tidy up. The leeks are doing really well, as are the cabbages - dozens of them ready to eat! Also a great crop of Florence (bulb) fennel so we'll be eating that too.

I have started trying to catch up - I began with the messages on the phone answering machine, then the post (most of it junk) but haven't quite got round to my emails yet. There are far too many, and most of them are also junk.

I am incredibly lucky in that Mike's standard of cleanliness and housework is much higher than mine, so at least we came back to a lovely clean and tidy house!

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