
By StillLearning

A Teddy Bear for Halloween

As the radio has been telling me all day, today is Halloween. I can't remember that being a big deal. At school we listened to tales of witches and warlocks, and dooked for apples. Some folks howked out a turnip (which wasn't easy) to make a face and stick a candle in it. Or was that for Guy Fawkes? I had no idea what a pumpkin looked like.

Our kids used to dress up and go around the place, telling jokes and/or singing songs and being rewarded in the form of sweets though money was preferable.

And, of course we had to entertain visiting children. Some wanted to go straight for the sweets without the bother of a performance. No chance.

It was fun. And there none of this 'trick-or-treat?' stuff.

So joining in the spirit of things, today's blip had to be Halloween-ish. So my teddy gets some blip fame. He was given to me by colleagues at a college I used to work at. It was inspired by the work of the artist David Mach who did a few pieces taking sweet little toys and showing them in a new light.

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