
By TonyG

A Bit of Both

Not quite the Four Seasons today but certainly more than one!  A cool mizzly start turned first windy then wet but unexpectedly it all cleared to warm sunshine from late afternoon.  This bee was flitting from flower to flower, here alighting briefly on Bellevalia dubia, a Mediterranean relative of the Grape Hyacinth, with electric blue buds which turn brown on opening.  

A surprisingly good day, despite the rain.  I managed a good hour outside before the rain, preparing the shady corner where we are to put a bench.  Indoors some admin, a couple of boring but necessary jobs and a couple of useful phone calls .... oh and delicious home-made pizza for lunch.  In the late sunshine I shifted a builders bag full of soil (a tonne or so,) clearing and tidying a spot that has been waiting attention for years.  As a little side job I also moved some snowdrops, a job I prefer to do just as they die down.  'Augustus' is a very nice snowdrop which I acquired a couple of bulbs of over twenty years ago.  On lifting them I found they were sunken in a largish pot, something I had forgotten, the buried label still readable!

Tired now :-)

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