The Masked Marvel

Who knew that even the animals dressed up for Halloween? Certainly not me.

Just like having a few questions for the trick-or-treaters tonight...I also had a few questions for the rodent.

1. "What's with the you really think it disguises you? Does it make you feel like a Ninja Turtle?

"I did love the turtles, but I just love the feel of corduroy... of the wide wale across my tail... and... we had a little material left we made the mask. A nice touch...don't you think?"

2. "Who tied the mask?"

"The chipmunk owed me a favor, so she tied it. Their little paws are amazing, and I wish I had their cheeks."

3. "The top looks too tight. Is it restricting?"

"As soon as I make my treat rounds...I'm ripping this thing off! I feel like Rosanne Barr in spandex!"

4. "Who's your tailor? There are 2 good-sized holes in your skirt."

"I thought the get-up was a little staid...needed a little "you know" HOT factor. The holes were my idea. Sort of like the holes in the jeans thing... although I do have to contend when I put my rear end into a bend. You never want to show too much fur."

Back to my work list. The work is never done. On my Flickr page...I put some photos of last nights birthday party, and of the gift I made for grandson. He's so sweet.

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