K9 swimming

After an interrupted nights sleep we were up earlyish as I was off to see sis. We went to Pilates this morning, although sis is struggling with her back and leg pain again :-( We could deifnitely tell we haven't been for a few weeks!

We had lunch in the garden centre, sis bought some bedding plants to start her hanging baskets......we called in Tesco too for a couple of things then back to sis's house.

Kobi was pleased as ever to see us. After a quick cuppa we headed off to K9 Swim, where sis takes Kobi swimming each week. Dobermans are reknown for not being the best swimmers, so sis was keen to make sure he can swim well.

He absolutely loves it!! The red harness is just in case they needs to grab him for,any reason. He did start with a life jacket buoyancy aid, but no longer needs that. His session is 15 minutes long, with a trainer in the pool, who throws the ball for him to retrieve, which he does, time and time again, splashing, panting and snorting as he goes.

When we arrived he almost pulls sis off her feet, he's so eager to get in there!! Ive added a few extras, the first one of him launching himself in after the ball, second is waiting patiently, and the third, retrieving the ball!

My photography nightschool classes have resumed. The tutor has recovered from his operation.....so another four weeks from now. :-)

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